Perk #79: FREE STUFF!

Oops, sorry.  Did you think that by clicking this link on Facebook   you were going to get free stuff?  What I meant is that getting free stuff is one of the perks of having cancer, NOT that you are going to get free stuff just by viewing this post.  My mistake (I’m so embarrassed).


So, about the free stuff…… I met this awesome blogger, Susan who, in addition to being a cancer survivor, is also very knowledgeable about healthy living.  With posts such as, “Grab Your Nuts and Go”;  “What Your Poop Says About You”; and “When Good Doctors Go Bad”,  the Savvy Sister makes for an immensely informative  as well as an extremely entertaining read!  ( .)


 It turns out that in addition to being super smart about how to survive cancer, Susan also sells high quality and all natural beauty and personal care items at  AND……guess who she sent a package of freebies to?  Yes, ME, her new cyber-friend!   So that makes me privy to Mother Nature’s beauty secrets.  (Not sure if I am allowed to reveal this, but just between us, I am currently testing a top secret formula for new hair growth.  I will keep you posted on my findings.)


I cannot promise you that having cancer will automatically entitle you to getting free stuff, but feel free to mention my name.

Tip:  It is okay to use your cancer to get free stuff (see perk #29:

but it is never, ever okay to lure people to your blog by implying that they are going to get free stuff.  That is just not right people, and again, I apologize if you got that impression from this post.


6 thoughts on “Perk #79: FREE STUFF!

  1. Don’t forget that I got free stuff from your cancer too! I got perked! I got complimented right after the free stuff. When I was coming back to Calgary after visiting you, The lady on the bus to the city insisted on going into the store and bringing me my bottle of water so I wouldn’t have to get out in the snow and wind to do so myself. It gave me such pride to remember that this is a wonderful thing about home. Newfoundlanders do this sort of thing all of the time! They help each other out and here I am, practically a stranger to this woman, and she’s being so sweet and kind. Then she wouldn’d let me pay for the water…typical Newfoundlander again. The pride swelled up in me again! Then she told me how wonderful I look and that you would never say I’ve had cancer….. Then she called me Florence a couple of times and I told her who I am. I never realized our likeness! So Thank You Florence for the free stuff! (Funny because her name was Florence too!). She really is a nice, kind and generous lady though! Loves ya shishy!

    I actually give out lots of free stuff to cancer paitients! I love doing that! So if anyone is going through treatment and is having a tough time affording “non-essentials” I would be happy to send a little gift your way! Please check out the “In treatment” page of the website

    And you can get more free stuff by joining the MOON Launch Team and getting new products (not yet on the website) shipped free to you in exchange for your opinion.
    Thanks Flo for the “free” shout out! (and my gift was not free….it is in exchahge for your very enjoyable blog!) Luv u lots!

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